
Sorghum Pan-transcriptome

Understanding the complex inner workings of organisms like sorghum and sugarcane is essential for advancements in agriculture, biofuel production, and various other fields. Genomic resources like pan-transcriptomes play a pivotal role in unlocking this knowledge by providing a comprehensive view of gene expression across diverse genotypes.

Conekt Bioenergy

Open platforms for data mining democritize the access to analyses that would only be achieved by scientists with computer science skills. CoNekT is a platform for analysis of expression profiles and co-expression networks that can be used to study one or more conditions or tissues in an organism, and the comparative analysis among different organisms.

Sugarcane Genomics and Transcriptomics Resources

Sugarcane is a widely cultivated plant within Poaceae, which fixates CO2 via C4 photosynthesis. Sugarcane is one of the most important crops around the world, as it is the main source for common sugar, bioenergy and other bioproducts.

Thermal adaptation strategies of the extremophile bacterium Thermus filiformis based on multi-omics analysis.

Thermus filiformis is an aerobic thermophilic bacterium isolated from a hot spring in New Zealand. The experimental study of the mechanisms of thermal adaptation is important to unveil response strategies of the microorganism to stress. In this …