Sugarcane co-expression networks in nitrogen response

Life is organized through networks such as protein-protein interactions, gene-regulatory circuits, and metabolic pathways, in which the parts interact with each other. It is from these interactions that complex phenomena originate. Our understanding of biological networks is still minimal, especially for critical commercial crops such as sugarcane. Among these biological networks, gene co-expression networks have gained increasing attention, mainly due to studies that associate genes with clinical characteristics. At the same time, in plant biology, they showed potential to identify genes related to agronomic characteristics. We set up an experiment to identify genes involved in their response to the nitrogen supply in sugarcane. For this, the cultivar RB975375 (responsive to the supply of N) and RB937570 (non-responsive) was compared. Nitrogen was supplied at two levels (270 mg/kg of soil and 10 mg/kg of soil.

Poster presented at the XIII Pos-graduate symposium in the Nuclear Centre for Agriculte (CENA-USP)
Poster presented at the XIII Pos-graduate symposium in the Nuclear Centre for Agriculte (CENA-USP)

Data availability

Trinotate-web instance of transcriptomic data: Data base populated with transcript information like GO annotations, expression levels, differential expression analysis, accessible through /data/trinotate_web/NRGSC_4.sqlite

Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón
Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón
Assistant Professor (MS3.2) in Computational, Evolutionary and Sistems Biology

I am a computational biologist/bioinformatician at the University of São Paulo, Campus Luiz de Queiroz (Piracicaba/SP, Brazil).

Felipe Vaz Peres
Felipe Vaz Peres
Master student - PPG - Ciências CENA/USP - Análise multi-genótipo de RNAs longos não codificantes em cana-de-açúcar

decoding the data-driven secrets of life.

Jorge Mario Muñoz Pérez
Jorge Mario Muñoz Pérez
PhD student - PPG - Ciências CENA/USP - Sugarcane Co-expression networks

I am PhD student at PPG - Ciências at the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, University of São Paulo. I am interested in the intersection of Plant Biology, Programing and Mathemathics. I have worked in Plant Biotechnology, Population Genomics, Machine Learning applied to the discovery of anti-microbial peptides. Currenlty i turned into Sugarcane omics, focusing on genomic resources and gene Co-expression network analysis.